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    Crystal Therapy

    Crystal Therapy has been used since centuries and is believed to cure the ailments holistically. The individual stones have the ability to communicate with the recipient’s energy flow and ensure to heal the body naturally. The interrupted natural flow in the body is realigned through crystals.

    Crystals are precious stones that can be used in wearing bracelets, rings, chains or placed in the rooms where one works, sleeps as it helps to stimulate the energy points in the body. The electromagnetic charge within each stone is said to offer healing vibrations as they remove the blockages and reinstate the well-being.

    The health benefits surround predominantly mental health, increased calmness, positivity & focus along with better immunity and relief from the pain.

    Some popular crystals are Jade – for health; used to purify the body and helps in getting rid of the toxins in the body, Citrine – for business; best applicable for entrepreneurs to stimulate their business mind, creativity and increased self-motivation, Rose Quartz – for love; enables replacing the negative energies with love, opening up to forgiveness while additionally augmenting fertility, Turquoise – For the city; protect against the pollutants, external factors that lower the immunity, stabilize mood swings by aligning the chakras.

    It is recommended to select the stones that suit you or senses that drive you straight from the gut. The ones that help amplify your energy and protect you.